An ornate "blue room," distinguished by depictions of female figures on the cerulean-painted walls, was newly excavated by ...
For hundreds of years, Pompeii remained buried under its volcanic blanket. It was rediscovered in the late 16th century, and ...
Experts believe the 8-square metre room can be interpreted as a shrine, or a space dedicated to ritual activities and the ...
According to Italy's Ministry of Culture, the room could be interpreted as a sacristy or a space dedicated to ritual ...
Stunning in their scale, colour and detail, frescoes can give us a fascinating glimpse of ancient civilisations. Every now and then, a new fresco is discovered which sheds further light onto how ...
BALTIMORE -- Thousands of bottles of olive oil whir through Pompeian's facility daily, but there were tense moments as the company, which has called Baltimore home for more than a century ...