Can we identify the survivors of Mount Vesuvius’s devastating volcanic eruption in 79 CE? The second episode of the ...
What is most important is that the unexcavated part of Pompeii represents the heritage that we will bequeath to future generations, who through this yet-to-be-explored part of the city will be able to ...
Pompeii offers a glimpse into ancient Roman life. Embark on a day trip to Pompeii from Rome and explore the fascinating ruins ...
“Pompeii: The New Dig” not only brings the excitement of real-time archaeological discoveries to your screen but also ...
Archaeologist and author Rubén Montoya reviews the history of the famous location razed by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius.
A three-part PBS documentary explores the revelatory recent excavations of the ancient Italian city buried by the eruption of ...
In the shadow of Mount Vesuvius lies Pompeii, an ancient city that has captured ... The recent discovery of stunning frescoes in this city, frozen in time by the catastrophic eruption of Mount ...
Pompeii: The New Dig on PBS follows a group of archaeologists involved in the largest excavation at the ancient site in a ...
Headline:Cincinnatians can now experience the sights, sounds and sensations of the 79 A.D. eruption of Mount Vesuvius that ...
That's what these archaeologists have uncovered in Pompeii, a famous ancient city in Italy. Archaeologists are people who look at old objects or buildings to find out more about history and the ...
The Pompeii Archaeological Park and the Aspen Art Museum have teamed up on a show to be curated by the painter Allison Katz.