The story of the eruption of Mount Vesuvius is no longer one of annihilation; it also includes the people who managed to ...
A shrine. A banquet hall. Graffiti. The buried city of Pompeii is revealing the deepest secrets of ancient Roman life as ...
ARCHAEOLOGISTS believe they have discovered the “lost” survivors of Pompeii who made it through the horror 18-hour volcanic ...
As the ash and rock fell to Earth, it buried the ancient cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum. According to most modern accounts ...
2,000-year-old DNA is revealing more about the people who died during the fateful eruption of Mount Vesuvius. The superheated ...
The biggest archaeological dig in years in the ancient Italian city of Pompeii is turning up clues about how people lived ...
Buried by a volcanic eruption 1400 years ago, well-preserved remains of the Maya village have earned a provocative nickname: ...
Archaeologists have discovered evidence of more than 200 survivors from the infamous eruption of Mount Vesuvius that swallowed up the Roman city of Pompeii ... evidence that people could have ...
It has been thousands of years since the eruption of Mount Vesuvius left the Roman city of Pompeii in ruins, but the ancient archaeological site continues to offer new findings. An ornate "blue ...
Peer into the windows of Eclectic Kitchen on Northeast Fremont Street and you’d think the place had just closed for lunch and would reopen in the morning. Tables are prepped with silverware ...
it buried the ancient cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum. According to most modern accounts, the story pretty much ends there: Both cities were wiped out, their people frozen in time. It only picks ...