These beautiful pool design ideas serve up backyard inspiration in a variety of styles ... Paired with the symmetry found on the back of the house, the simplicity of the concrete planters, wood deck, ...
Below are 21 creative pool shade ideas to give your SPF a helping hand ... If you're in the process of creating plans for a pool, consider positioning it strategically near your house to leverage the ...
An upcoming input session is anticipated to guide the Recreation and Parks Department as it puts together a proposal for new ...
In 2018, Meta Billionaire Mark Zuckerberg bought two adjacent estates on the west shore of Lake Tahoe for a total of $59 ...
Arcadium's design philosophy centers on simplicity. The drag-and-drop interface makes creating and modifying models a breeze.
Community stakeholders will have several chances this week to continue to share input on a vision for a new marina and ...
At the Fire Island house of Noam Dvir and Daniel Rauchwerger, a bespoke daybed takes the place of a conventional sofa; Audo ...
When high school students in Modesto return in August, they may find solar panels shading their parking lots, some may notice ...
We love our dogs for their individual characters—and yet cloning implies that we also believe their unique, unreproducible ...
Naples City Council continued a hearing on a petition to rebuild the Port Royal Club "bigger and better" to August, with a ...
Maine is seeking design ideas before voters in November determine whether to adopt a new, more distinctive flag.