Pope Francis took the stage in front of over 100 comedians and humorists, including Americans Stephen Colbert, Jimmy Fallon, ...
Just two weeks ago, the pope was caught using the anti-gay slur “Frociaggine” (a Roman Italian word meaning “f—ggotness.”) ...
– Father Johann G. Roten, S.M. On the day after his election, Pope Benedict XVI addressed the cardinals with a message of unity and fidelity. He pledged to "work without sparing energies for the ...
The long limbo of Pope Benedict XVI’s former longtime personal secretary may be ending soon. Archbishop Georg Gänswein, who fell from influential papal aide to no assignment in the Catholic ...
In his first general audience, which was held this morning in St. Peter's Square in the presence of 15,000 people, the Pope again gave thanks to God for having elected him as Peter's successor ...
For centuries, leaders of the Roman Catholic Church have been chosen at the Vatican in private gatherings known as conclaves. Much secrecy surrounds this conclave and its historic vote, which ...
In his letter, Pope Benedict XVI proclaimed May 24, the feast of Our Lady, Help of Christians, to also be a World Day of Prayer for the Church in China. National Shrine and Minor Basilica of Our ...
A distraught Pope Francis again pledged justice for the victims of sexual abuse by members of the Catholic Church, following the devastating report which revealed that former Emeritus Pope ...
Pope Francis has apologised over any offence caused after he was widely quoted as having used homophobic language at a meeting last week. The pontiff, 87, did not intend to use homophobic language ...
This salad recipe comes from the Vatican and was enjoyed by Pope Benedict XVI. As is well known, he hailed from Germany, so ...
Pope Used Vulgar Italian Word to Refer to LGBT People, Italian Newspapers Report VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - Pope Francis used a highly derogatory term towards the LGBT community as he reiterated in ...
The Vatican has apologized for words uttered by Pope Francis that have been deemed offensive by some. The pope reportedly said in a closed-door meeting with Italian bishops that gay individuals ...