Former Pope Benedict XVI dies aged 95 in the Mater Ecclesiae ... The only thing certain is that the most important ritual following the death of a pope -- a conclave to elect a new one -- does ...
When John’s gospel accuses the “Jews” of instigating Jesus’s death, this word is “clearly limited,” writes Benedict XVI; John ...
VATICAN CITY (RNS) — Pope Francis said in a newly released interview that he backed his predecessor, Pope Benedict XVI, at ...
Tributes were paid Sunday on the first anniversary of the death of Pope Benedict XVI, with Pope Francis praising his love and wisdom and Benedict's private secretary expressing hope he might one ...
The death of Christendom was a consequence of ... It will take decades for us to realize the debt we owe to Pope Benedict XVI. In the meantime, what a privilege it was to see a real, live prophet.
COMMENTARY: Any interview with Pope Francis must be interpreted carefully, as he prefers a looser and more informal style.
Lost in the outrage over the football kicker’s retrograde views on women was his insinuation that the Jews killed Jesus.
The news of his death was announced by Cardinal Poola Anthony, who recalled the ministry of Most Reverend Thumma Bala. In ...
I was in Vatican City 18 years ago to cover the 2005 papal conclave that was convened upon the death of Pope John ... long was an obvious solution. Benedict XVI, who was thus elected the supreme ...
However, Pope Benedict XV stands tall, even among his sainted successors (not for nothing did Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger take the name of “Benedict XVI”) The immediate successor to Benedict XV ...
In 2005, he was given the title of Monsignor, Prelate of Honor and in 2008, Pope Benedict XVI named Monsignor Caverly a Protonotary ... at Annunciation Parish as Pastor Emeritus until his death. He ...
A British boy, who died aged 15, will become the first Millennial saint after Pope Francis decreed his second posthumous miracle. A British boy who died of leukaemia aged 15 is to become the Catholic ...