In October, 1978, Karol Wojtyla, the Cardinal Archbishop of Krakow, Poland, was elected the first Slav pope ... John Paul II While his influence in world affairs has been enormous, John Paul is ...
Abstract from the original German talks given at the German Mariological Consortium on Influece of Mary on Pope John ... Thursday 1979, John Paul II alluding to Jn 19:25ff. invoked Mary as Mother of ...
On Oct. 16, 1978, 58-year-old Cardinal Karol Wojtyla of Kraków became the first non-Italian to be elected pope in centuries.
The main honour and credit for the fall of the Berlin Wall belongs to Pope ... not his way of seeing things”, added Walesa. “The truth is that 50% of the fall of the Wall belongs to John Paul ...
While the vast majority of U.S. Catholics support capital punishment, Pope ... John Paul II wrote that execution is only appropriate "in cases of absolute necessity, in other words, when it would ...
A reverent drama about the life of Karol Wojtyla, who became Pope John Paul II. Cary Elwes portrays Wojtyla ... flashbacks reveal his younger days in Poland when the Nazis invaded and Karol ...
They are Pope John Paul II, and Hugh Hefner. A saint and a sinner. "I actually see very profound historical connections between Hugh Hefner and John Paul II," said West. And it's not just the red ...
The will to seek peace must not therefore be allowed to weaken. This seeking must be based on the awareness that humanity, however much marred by sin, hatred, and violence, is called by God to be a ...
A white cross that overlooked the Benjamin Franklin Parkway during Pope John Paul II's Mass in Philadelphia in 1979 is now ...
The announcement was not a surprise to Catholics, as the Holy Year occurs every 25 years, and the last one, called the Great Jubilee by Pope John Paul II, was held in 2000. However, before the ...
(Pope John Paul II was elected after eight votes that took two days.) With each unsuccessful vote, the cardinals release black smoke through a chimney visible from Saint Peter's Basilica.
During their annual convention in 2001 the German Mariological consortium/study group (Deutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Mariologie) focused on John Paul II’s Mariology. The presentations highlighted ...