In October, the audiences were transferred to the Vatican’s larger Pope Paul VI Audience Hall, and Pope Francis kept his distance from pilgrims. The Vatican decided to move the audiences behind ...
The Catholic Church should function like a choir where every member contributes his or her unique part to create a harmonious whole, Pope Francis said. Just as how in a choir or ...
“I don’t care what people think. But this is the pope.” She hurried into the Vatican’s cavernous Paul VI Audience Hall and was ushered to the front row. Before her, a 23-foot-tall bronze ...
Before flying to Italy’s southern Puglia region to meet world leaders at the Group of Seven summit, Pope Francis hosted a ...
Head of the Pontifical Household Bishop Leonardo Sapienza picks up Pope Francis's walking stick during an audience with ...
Pope Francis praised Catholic choir members of all ages on Saturday, calling music “a universal and immediate language.” ...
It was in March, 1959, that Archbishop Iakovos had an audience with ... St. Peter’s Square in Vatican City. As dawn broke, Pope Paul VI emerged from the Consistorial Hall where he had bid ...
As world leaders gather in Italy for a summit addressing entrenched global crises, Pope Francis hosted an international ...
The document, or Instrumentum Laboris in Latin, is the latest step in Pope Francis’ Synod ... which will take place in the Vatican’s Paul VI Audience Hall, instead of the smaller Synod Hall ...
but sometimes concretely change things for the better": it is with these words that Pope Francis welcomed in audience this ...
The Vatican’s doctrine office made these norms public with the approval of Pope Paul VI in 1978, just three years before Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger was named the prefect of the congregation.
he said on the morning of June 8 in an audience with parish and diocesan choirs, scholæ cantorum, directors, and musicians. Speaking in the Vatican’s Paul VI Hall, the pope said, “Music ...