TERRIFYING 500-pound prehistoric geese once roamed the Australian outback, according to experts. Scientists recently ...
The 'thunder bird' Genyornis newtoni lived alongside humans and went extinct about 45,000 years ago.
The fossils revealed a unique face—quite different from any other living or extinct bird but most similar to a duck or a ...
It roamed Australia's murky swamps until around 50,000 ... Inside the ambitious plan to 'de-extinct the Dodo': How scientists are using stem cell technology to bring back the extinct species ...
The skull of a prehistoric "giant goose" has been discovered in Australia. It belongs to a now extinct giant flightless bird ...
A team from Flinders University in Australia uncovered a nearly complete fossil skull of the "giga-goose," Genyornis newtoni —a flightless species that went extinct around 45,000 years ago—a study ...
Paleoart occupies a unique space in the science communication ecosystem by virtue of its subjects. Illustrators are tasked ...
On the prehistoric plains of Australia shone a golden age for giant flightless birds. There was the " Demon Duck of Doom " ...
About 50,000 years ago, these titans, also known as mihirungs, from an Aboriginal term for “giant bird,” tramped through the forests and grasslands of Australia on muscular legs. They stood ...
The loss of species due to animal extinctions is a profound tragedy for our world. It strips away the incredible diversity ...
They have an imposing figure, standing five feet tall and weighing up to 165 pounds. "It's a modern-day dinosaur," said Peter ...