However, the summit set in motion much more important, longer-term changes to the world architecture. The three major wheels ...
Twenty-seven months on, the war rages on. Far from being crippled, Russia’s economy is growing. The International Monetary ...
As part of that, Russia has sent three navy ships and a nuclear-powered submarine to Cuba, to arrive at the Port of Havana ...
This information was provided by local authorities, as cited by the Reuters news agency. ...
Attara, Dakka Sebbe, Nienanpela, Dioura, and Ouro Fer — these five Malian towns saw elders murdered, civilians tortured, and ...
VLADIMIR Putin’s pampered lackeys are apparently exempt from his crackdown on flashy cars, driving all sorts of vintage ...
An alarming new report from Microsoft says Russia is trying to scare people away from 2024 Olympics in Paris by stoking fears ...
"Seeing that Putin considers Crimea to be formal Russian territory, Putin's red line has already been crossed," said Zev ...
President Vladimir Putin warned Germany on Wednesday that the use of its weapons by Ukraine to strike targets inside Russia ...
Cut off from the West, Russia is pitching its $2 trillion economy to giants like China and Saudi Arabia and longer-term ...
PUTIN will not stop at Ukraine and has set his sights on three targets to rebuild the Russian empire, Latvia's leader has warned. President Edgars Rinkevics said seizing the Baltics will be the ...
The US could deploy more strategic nuclear weapons in response to the growing threat from Russia and China, a senior White ...