Russia has launched a barrage of dozens of missiles and drones across Ukraine, aimed at the country’s energy infrastructure.It is the sixth major air attack on the Ukrainian power sector since March, ...
In a stark assessment delivered at the Collective Security Treaty Organization's defense ministers’ meeting in Kazakhstan, ...
US presidential candidate Donald Trump's intentions to end the war in Ukraine through concessions may not only be dangerous ...
China has displayed hesitance to engage in discussions about the Russia-Ukraine war, voicing reservations. The country has ...
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has received a second $1 billion promise of military aid in as many days during a ...
China says it will be “‘hard to meet” calls for discussions on the Russia-Ukraine war because of problems with arrangements.
Russian leader Vladimir Putin told German Chancellor Olaf Scholz that Ukraine apparently "belongs" to Russia shortly before ...
Jens Stoltenberg made the remark as America and Germany joined Britain in letting Kyiv use their weapons to strike inside ...
Russian President Vladimir Putin attends a bilateral meeting with Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel at the Kremlin on May 9, 2024. Putin is reportedly seeking a ceasefire in Ukraine but only if the ...
Putin is said to be “optimistic” about the war, given Russian momentum on the battlefield, and he recently appointed an ...
America has always prided itself on its leadership of NATO. This time, however, it is the NATO allies who are demonstrating ...