Now, he's a New York Times bestselling author, and you've probably seen some of his quotes and poems in your ... time you shed another layer of old trauma, conditioning, or hurt." ...
This post is the third of a series about dispelling trauma myths. (Read posts one and two.) Our current interest in trauma ...
Get inspired to be kind to yourself with these self-care quotes from frontline workers to scholars ... Eleanor Brown, author "As a therapist who specializes in treating trauma, it is extremely ...
“We’re hard-wired as human beings to connect with others, especially when we’re grieving,” says Abigail Nathanson, a licensed social worker and professor of grief and trauma at New York ...
While early adversity or trauma can have lasting effects on our health and well-being, healing is possible — especially when we connect with others for strength and resources. Community is a key ...
Healing Hurt People (HHP) is a hospital and community-based violence intervention program that provides an integrated care model of trauma-focused healing services (therapy, supportive case management ...
It is about time passing, and wounds healing. It begins almost 24 years ago ... I’ve come to understand that when you are living in radar red situation, and experiencing trauma, you build a shield ...
Why critics call the company pushing to legalize MDMA a "therapy cult." To the surprise of almost everyone involved, therapy ...
Are you tired of having people give you cliche quotes about thinking positive ... Sex Therapy, Trauma (EMDR) based approach to healing including Betrayal trauma and Adoption issues.
Harriet Tubman is already famous for leading enslaved people to freedom. a rich new biography by Harvard professor Tiya Miles ...
To that end, Vogue has rounded up 27 of the greatest books of all time by queer, trans, and gender-nonconforming writers.