The Supreme Court's 8-1 decision to restrict firearms to people with domestic violence restraining orders is seen by many as ...
Thursday's decision in U.S. v. Rahimi, could have major implications for several pending gun-rights cases and legislative ...
The Supreme Court backtracked somewhat on its expansionist treatment of gun rights — and on the way to an 8-1 ruling Friday, ...
The court's ruling Friday involves a sister provision to the drug-users prohibition that Biden was found guilty of violating.
The Supreme Court's 2022 precedent that bolstered Second Amendment rights for gun owners was affirmed despite a testy dissent ...
The Supreme County recently issued a major ruling that limits the gun rights of domestic abusers. Pornhub will block access ...
U.S. Supreme Court decision Friday upholding a ban on gun possession by people under domestic-violence restraining orders ...
The US Supreme Court upheld a federal law that bars firearm possession by people under domestic-violence restraining orders ...
A nonprofit official responds to the Supreme Court ruling upholding a federal law on Friday that prohibits people convicted ...
The justices ruled in favor of a 1994 ban on firearms for people under restraining orders to stay away from their spouses or ...
The law barring gun ownership by those accused of domestic violence and subject to restraining orders was among many ...