It was not clear what form of work she would have to carry out. Under Russian law, convicted people may be sentenced to correctional labour as an alternative to prison. This can take place at their ...
Since the beginning of the day, June 3, 28 combat clashes have taken place on the Russia-Ukraine frontline. Russian troops ...
Under pressure from Greece’s navy, traders of Russian oil have found a new place to switch cargoes of crude in the Mediterranean sea, a sign of how hard it will be to clamp down on an activity that ...
The US has supplied dozens of Himars rocket launcher systems to Ukraine throughout the war, which can fire unitary rounds and ...
Following a cyber attack, possibly by Russia, on Polish state news agency PAP on Friday, Poland wants to invest more in cyber ...
Russia has vowed to "take measures" in response to Poland's decision to restrict the movement of Russian diplomats within the ...
Struggling to make good the loss of around 15,000 armored vehicles in its wider war on Ukraine, Russia has begun equipping ...
Ukraine imposed emergency power shutdowns in most of the country on Sunday, a day after Russia unleashed large-scale attacks ...
Both Russia and Ukraine have forged ahead with ground robot development while investing in airborne and waterborne drone ...
a day after Russia unleashed large-scale attacks on energy infrastructure and claimed it made gains in the eastern Donetsk ...
The Telegraph is running a series of exclusive essays from international commentators imagining the consequences if Russia ...
The New York Times traced how a web of officials and politicians aligned with President Vladimir V. Putin’s party carried out ...