A PRUDISH Vladimir Putin has axed a major annual Russian sex doll race as the Kremlin looks to crackdown on distracting ...
Adult stores should be closed and their merchandise put to better use Vitaly Milonov has said Russia should shut down all the ...
This is the dramatic moment a Russian £39 million missile system is blown up by a suspected kamikaze drone valued at around ...
It is one of Russia’s most expensive war toys, with only a few units in service in its air force. It can carry Kh-59 and ...
It is one of Russia’s most expensive war toys, with only a few units in service in its air force. It can carry Kh-59 and Kh-69 cruise missiles that regularly target civilian areas in Ukraine.
The US again accused Russia of taking Ukrainian children, some of whom were put up for adoption, after fresh media accounts ...
The United States imposed sanctions on Wednesday on several Hong Kong firms, including VPower Finance Security, for aiding ...
Over 19,500 children have been confirmed as abducted by Russia since the start of its full-scale invasion of Ukraine, and ...
The memorandum of understanding signed by Minsk Mayor Vladimir Kukharev and Ulyanovsk Oblast Governor Alexei Russkikh is ...
THE war-ravaged residents of Ukraine’s second largest city yesterday vowed not to be broken by Russia’s aerial blitz, ...
A bitter and bloody war in Ukraine has devastated the country, further isolated Russia from the West and fueled economic insecurity around the world. Experts called the naval exercises routine ...
It is one of Russia’s most expensive war toys, with only a few units in service in its air force. Ukraine’s Southern Operational Command says Russia had only six Su-57s in operation.