Versions of the claim also were shared widely on Facebook and X, formerly Twitter. The video is from 2018 and shows a missile ...
Russia practiced the electronic launch of missiles as part of a second stage of drills on how to deploy tactical nuclear ...
The second phase of the tactical nuclear drills saw Russian forces practicing electronic missile launch. The Russian Ministry ...
Ukraine used a US-made Patriot missile system to down a Russian A-50 spy plane in January, a senior US officer confirmed.
President Volodymyr Zelensky referred to the KAB missiles, Russian precision-guided weapons used to strike front-line ...
After months of fighting, the Russians are still struggling to gain a toehold in Ukraine’s 266th biggest population center.
The mayor of the Ukrainian city of Kharkiv has said that the situation there has been "calmer" since Russian missile ...
Drawing on replenished supplies, Ukraine used mostly Western-provided air defense systems to deter the overnight assault.
President Vladimir Putin has said Moscow will "consider" sending long-range weapons to its allies that are unfriendly to NATO ...
Russia has launched a combined air strike on Ukraine on the night of 13-14 June, using 31 targets, including 14 missiles and ...
One of the Russian warships docked in Cuba can carry Putin's prized hypersonic missiles. Russian leadership has touted the ...