Norway has set June 10th as deadline to tear down the giant orthodox cross illegally erected last August in the Soviet ghost ...
Russian president Vladimir Putin isn't just waging war against Ukraine, he's also battling to extinguish religious freedom, ...
The difficulty is that according to the law in Kazakhstan, preaching and missionary activity without registration are ...
Indeed, those military skills served them to take power in several towns ... It was then that the gentilic rhos (“Russian”) ...
A Jewish-American World War II hero who stormed Utah beach on D-Day and went missing after being ambushed in the Battle of Cherbourg has finally been found.
As mourners gathered at the graveside of Alexei Navalny to commemorate what would have been his 48th birthday, the Russian ...
Satellite imagery analyses yield evidence of the demolition of a church, cemetery, and an entire village in the last seven ...
The Olenivka Community non-governmental organisation has urged President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, Kyrylo Budanov, Chief of ...
Comrade Leon Goldman, the organizer of the Russian printing house 'Iskra', said in his remarkable ... the more scandalous for them the truth comes out in the course of cross-examining the witnesses.
It was only adopted last month, a few days before the US Congress finally unblocked $61 billion in military aid to Ukraine. That synchronisation at least guaranteed that mobilised soldiers wouldn’t be ...
A year of fighting has turned the once proud capital, Khartoum, into a charred battleground. Millions have fled. Now a famine ...
The following two weeks were a series of interviews for Belarusian and Russian media. I was finally able to speak ... In the ...