A Russian soldier who plans offensives said it's hard to send troops into fights where they will likely die, but he can't be ...
Russia's Deputy Foreign Minister gave a stark warning against the use of American-provided weapons by Ukraine to hit targets ...
G7 leaders at the summit in Italy may be presented with a proposal to grant Ukraine a loan secured by frozen Russian assets, ...
Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said on Monday the United States could face "fatal consequences" if it ignored ...
The war against Russia has depreciated for the Ukrainians. Moscow has regained more territory than Ukraine did during its ...
Finance officials from the Group of Seven rich democracies say they have moved toward agreement on a U.S. proposal to squeeze ...
The United States and its allies are continuing to consider ways of using Russia's blocked assets to help Ukraine. Source: ...
The United States and its partners are making progress on finding ways to provide larger amounts of urgently needed funds to Ukraine by tapping the value of profits earned on frozen Russian assets, a ...
It's been 10 years since Russia-backed separatists took over Sudakov's home town of Brianka in Ukraine's eastern Luhansk ...
G7 leaders at the summit in Italy may be presented with a proposal to grant Ukraine a loan secured by frozen Russian assets, ...
As for Ukraine, China respects its sovereignty and territorial integrity. With regard to Russia, China aims to develop a ...