According to mental health experts, excessive internet addiction causes attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in children, disrupts language development and increases the risk of damage to ...
Smartphone addiction is an increasing problem, and as internet penetration widens, a large part of the world is finding itself in the clutches of non-stop scrolling ...
Light has announced a new device called the Light Phone 3, designed to help you break your social media addiction.
Studies have indicated that a significant portion of the population exhibits signs of compulsive behaviour towards their ...
Study results suggest that feelings of nomophobia may also be related to withdrawal and addiction. As such, findings could support the inclusion of a “Smartphone Addiction Disorder” in future ...
Internet addiction rewires teenagers' brains and may make them more likely to engage in other addictive behaviour, new research suggests. Signalling between different areas of the brain related to ...
Adolescents with an internet addiction undergo changes in the brain that could lead to additional addictive behavior and tendencies, finds a new study.
Doctors in Spain will check children for signs of mobile addiction once a year under a new government plan to improve safety online. Under the draft law, which was approved by Spain’s cabinet on ...
New on-pack warning labels are needed on tobacco packaging to motivate and support smoking cessation, a study from University of Otago researchers has found. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration ...
Sex addiction -- also known as hypersexuality or compulsive sexual behavior -- causes a person to lose control over their sexual thoughts and urges. While it's normal to have sexual urges ...
Gov. Hochul entirely right: Smartphones don’t belong in school. It’s not just that they’re a needless distraction: They’re toxic to children’s development. They enable addiction to ...
Understanding addiction protects young people by introducing awareness around their use of alcohol, vaping and drugs, but also social media and smartphones. Addiction is pervasive. It is necessary ...