This award-winning image by Brandon James, Project Manager in the Swaminathan lab at the HudsonAlpha Institute, shows a thin slice of part of a Sorghum bicolor shoot apex. The fluorescent probes ...
Tremendous gaps remain in our understanding of the valuable traits contained in sorghum genetic resources. Advances in genomics, targeted mutagenesis, reverse genetics and whole-genome DNA sequencing ...
Sorghum has received much attention as a biofuel, with up to 12 percent of the sorghum harvest going to ethanol production. It produces a clean-burning fuel with a high octane level.
Half a billion of the world’s poorest people rely on the cereal sorghum to feed themselves and their stock. It’s a crop exquisitely adapted to heat and drought, which explains its popularity ...
Printing with bi-color filament results in an object whose color depends on viewing angle, and part geometry. There is such a thing as bi-color filament (like MatterHackers Quantum PLA ...
Mike’s research investigates the potential for enhanced weathering by C3 and C4 tropical crops, through a series of pot-based controlled experiments with Sorghum bicolor and Glycine max. Managed ...
Commonly used biofuel crops include sugarcane, maize, grain sorghum, sugar beet, rapeseeds and sunflower. These conventional biofuel crops do have drawbacks, however. They are highly susceptible ...
Scientific Reports 11. (2021): 14561. Print. « Abidakun, Oreoluwa Moyosore, et al. "Abortifacient activity of Sorghum bicolor sheath extract and its effects on selected reproductive hormones in female ...
Ananas comosus (pineapple), Carica papaya (pawpaw), Citrus aurantium (bitter orange), Irvingia gabonensis (African mango), Sarcocephalus latifolius (African peach), Solanum aethiopicum (garden egg ...
But [Martin Held] built a super simple LED Christmas tree ornament using the ATSAME51 series micro-controller, which he regularly works with and had on hand, and lots of bi-color LEDs. He already ...