In remarks after the spaceflight, Koerner praised the "incredible" video of the Starship rocket and its Super Heavy booster ...
SpaceX's Starship megarocket completed a high-stakes fourth test flight. Both the Starship spacecraft and the rocket’s ...
SpaceX’s Starship is slated to lift off on its fourth uncrewed flight test Thursday from the company’s private Starbase ...
This latest test is the first to successfully achieve a controlled splashdown landing of the Super Heavy booster stage.
It was the fourth launch of the world’s biggest and most powerful rocket. Previous flight demos ended in explosions.
SpaceX launched a fourth test flight of its Starship rocket on Thursday. Assuming the spaceflight goes according to plan, ...
Starship, the largest and most powerful launch vehicle ever built, is key to the future of SpaceX. NASA also has an interest ...
On its fourth launch, SpaceX’s Starship reached a destination more or less intact that had eluded it on three previous test ...
SpaceX's giant Starship rocket survived reentry through Earth's atmosphere on Thursday and splashed down in the Indian Ocean ...
Three previous uncrewed test flights ended with Starship being destroyed, but both the booster and the spacecraft splashed ...
SpaceX proposed three scenarios involving Starship’s entry into the atmosphere that would ... The space agency is in a race ...
SpaceX will launch its Starship megarocket on Thursday in its fourth test, which will focus on re-entry. Watch the live ...