The test "confirmed that the amount of space available in the airlock, on the deck, and in the elevator, are sufficient for ...
SpaceX’s Starship, the world’s most powerful rocket, lifted off on its fourth test flight Thursday morning in another key ...
For these reasons, as Ars previously reported, NASA and SpaceX are planning for the possibility of modifying the Artemis III ...
Elon Musk’s moon and Mars rocket reached space in March, but on Thursday SpaceX aims to see the spacecraft survive ...
In its fourth text flight, the reusable rocket survived its return to earth, heralding a workable business model of reusable ...
The Elon Musk-led company is developing the rocket for future missions, including NASA’s first astronaut trip to the moon in ...
SpaceX's large and powerful unmanned Starship spaceship made it's most successful run yet on Thursday. Here's what happened ...
SpaceX is preparing to launch its fourth Starship test flight on June 5 as part of its development of a crewed Starship to ...
SpaceX launched a fourth test flight of its Starship rocket on Thursday. Assuming the spaceflight goes according to plan, ...
SpaceX's giant Starship rocket survived reentry through Earth's atmosphere on Thursday and splashed down in the Indian Ocean ...
It was the fourth launch of the world’s biggest and most powerful rocket. Previous flight demos ended in explosions.
SpaceX's massive Starship made it through re-entry and the ship's first landing burn, taking another step in its fourth test ...