Bowel and bladder problems and hydrocephalus may also be seen ... scoliosis or curving of the spine. If spina bifida left untreated may cause tethered cord syndrome, which may cause nerve damage ...
This can cause accidental injury. There is also a risk that a baby with spina bifida will have or develop hydrocephalus (a buildup of fluid in the brain). This can cause further brain damage.
"When a patient presents with spina bifida, we try to rule out if a they also have hydrocephalus. If a child has both hydrocephalus and spina bifida, we cannot repair the spine before sorting out ...
Co-authors on a paper in the journal Science reporting a link between a chromosomal microdeletion and spina bifida include (from left) Joseph Gleeson and Keng Ioi “Harry” Vong, both of the UC ...
UK general election, there will be repeated calls for change. The focus will be on today’s “big” issues. These will not be quick or easy to achieve. There is, however, a relatively small change that ...
MINISTER for Health, Ms Ummy Mwalimu has highlighted worrying statistics indicating that approximately three out of ten ...
This occurs prior to any brain damage due to raised pressure.” The findings of the study, funded by Association for Spina Bifida & Hydrocephalus (ASBAH) and published in the Journal of Neuropathology ...
Pull for Chile, her mother’s home nation, or cheer for Peru, where her father was from and where she has some of her fondest ...
Enter Canadian singer/songwriter, teacher and musical philanthropist Danny Lamb, whose “Champion” distills his own triumphs ...
A celebrity PR guru will join the likes of Gordon Ramsay and Reece Donnelly as an ambassador for a disability charity.
You may spot something different if you live in and around Blackpool, in particular why the Blackpool Tower on the Friday ...
UAB Neurosurgery is at the forefront of brain cancer research. As part of the UAB Comprehensive Cancer Center's Neuro Oncology Program, our team conducts multiple lines of multi-disciplinary research ...