This guide will help you select the best companion plants for zucchini to deter pests, attract beneficial insects, improve ...
S quash are commonly thought of as large and sprawling plants to grow, however, there are several ways in which they can be ...
Many of us love to grow and eat squash, but that endeavor does not come without challenges. Two primary challenges to successfully growing squash are the squash bug and the squash vine borer.
While there are many pest-repelling companion plants to try in vegetable gardens, marigolds are at the top of the list for a ...
The loss of even one wild bee species can disrupt the reproductive success of certain plants resulting in fewer vegetables, ...
Some summer squash, zucchini and winter squash varieties can be trained to grow vertically, just like climbing peas and pole beans.
Question: Our beautiful yellow squash are being eaten by worms living inside. Is there a way to save the crop? Answer: No one likes to find a wiggling surprise inside their squash of any type.
Is it too late for most things, especially tomatoes, or is there something I can start in June? There is still plenty of time ...
As the growing season progresses in the garden, keep an eye out for a white or grayish-white powder on your plants ...
Typically used as Halloween decorations to display winter squash and pumpkins, straw bales can also be used to grow those ...
It may be nice and warm during the day in May, but night temperatures are still dipping too low to plant some hot-season plants.
As the growing season progresses, keep an eye out for a white or grayish-white powder on your plants. That’s powdery mildew, a fungus that affects a wide range of fruits, ...