A team of divers have recovered the propeller of the UC-42 German submarine that sunk in Cork Harbour during the First World ...
The U.S. Navy sunk many German U-boat submarines in World War II. But then they captured one, right before the D-Day invasion ...
The U.S. antisubmarine task force captured the Nazi submarine along with its crew, technology, encryption codes and a working ...
The dominance of German U-boats in the North Atlantic played a key ... However, it's noteworthy that post-1945, only two submarines have successfully sunk enemy ships in combat. Following WWII, ...
Some were victims of hurricanes while many were sunk by German submarines during WWII. According to the National Park Service ...
Divers have recovered a propeller from close to the wreck of a First World War minelaying German submarine, which sank close ...
The U-505 submarine was a German U-boat that was captured during WWII and brought back to America. You can still see it to ...
German U-boats are credited with sinking 14 million ... Almost immediately after the General Belgrano was sunk, questions were raised about whether she was inside or outside of the 322km (300 ...
From Teddy Roosevelt visiting Tampa Bay during the Spanish-American War to the Cuban Missile Crisis, here’s a history lesson.
U-995, the lone surviving example of a Type VIIC U-boat used by Nazi Germany during World War II, is shown on display in 2004 ...
Das Boot ends in tragedy, with the majority of the crew either dying or being injured in an Allied air raid that takes place ...
Three such carriers were lost in the war, two British (to German submarines) and one American (to a Japanese sub). There is no exact tally of the number of U-boats sunk by carrier-borne aircraft ...