A Bronze Age sunken ship has been found more than a mile below the surface of the Mediterranean Sea off the coast of Israel, ...
On June 9, a mariner fouled his anchor in Herring Cove. Every time he tried to move the anchor, a little oil sheen and debris ...
There's something so fascinating about a sunken ship. It's as if the vessel was frozen ... of Willemstad's main channel, the Sint Anna Bay," she explains. Fortunately, no one died in the wreck.
HAUPT, the distinguished engineer and contractor for building the Houses Tunnel, has made proposals to the War Department for raising the sunken vessels ... of sailing ships for the purposes ...
While there are six documented sunken ships for diving in the Toronto area, that doesn't mean there aren't more to be found. A car was recently pulled from Humber Bay that may have been there for ...
Georgian Bay, tucked into Ontario's Lake Huron, is a bit of a misnomer. At 5,792 square miles it's not that much smaller than Lake Ontario (7,320 square miles), earning it the nickname "the sixth ...
Unusually low water levels in Italy’s largest river have revealed a sunken World War II barge. The ship is jutting out of the ...
The Tampa Bay Times photo archives are filled with hundreds ... Having recently added a sizable number of historical Sunken Gardens photos to the archive, we decided to pull some out and share ...
Take a deep dive into Fathom Five National Marine Park to see what lies beneath the sparkling surface of Georgian Bay. Recognized ... for the best views of the sunken vessels and submerged ...
GOGLAND ISLAND, Leningrad Region, July 15 (Itar-Tass) - President Vladimir Putin took a dive in a submersible to the sunken sailing ship Oleg in the Bay of Finland on Monday, July 15. The Oleg is ...