Prayers For The Struggle Against Sin – Father Dennis Kolinski, S.J.C., at Tan Direction Forgiveness: Counting The Cost – ...
Appointment to Lithuania’s capital city of Vilnius is in the works, according to an Italian Catholic news outlet.
Just two weeks ago, the pope was caught using the anti-gay slur “Frociaggine” (a Roman Italian word meaning “f—ggotness.”) ...
Pope Francis reportedly told a group of bishops that homosexual men should not be allowed to enter seminary to train for the ...
The Pope appealed to St. Benedict for help "to hold firm Christ's central position in our lives. May he always be first in our thoughts and in all our activities!" Before concluding, Benedict XVI ...
In the confusion, the pope fled the building. Deemed highly unsuitable for the Chair of St. Peter, Benedict IX was drummed out of the city in 1045 by a mob of disgruntled Romans. He was replaced ...
The salad recipe came from the Vatican and was enjoyed by Pope Benedict XVI. As is well known, he hailed from Germany. So ...
Why Stay in the Church, Benedict XVI? – Father Johann G. Roten, S.M. Would you ask a Pope why he is still a Christian or why he is still in the Church? The question was put to Benedict XVI. Not ...
Pope Benedict XVI gives his final public address February 2013. He stepped down as Pope the following day due to his ailing health, becoming the first pontiff to resign since Gregory XII in 1415.
Pope John senior shortstop Mac Tufts stopped halfway down to home plate before reacting and starting to run again. With the game tied in extra innings, a heads-up play like the one Tufts was ...
Pope John senior shortstop Mac Tufts stopped ... Tufts saw the ball trickle away from St. Benedict’s first baseman after the ball handcuffed him.