If nuclear war happens, we won’t be second in line pressing the button,” the former governor of Puerto Rico recalled Trump telling him.
The Demilitarized Zone between the two rival Koreas might be the most heavily armed place on earth. Two million mines, barbed wire fences, tank ...
North Korean soldiers have been sent into the mine-strewn buffer zone to do construction work since November, the South ...
China appears to be keeping its distance as Russia and North Korea move closer to each other with a new defense pact that ...
Billionaire Mike Bloomberg has given nearly $20 million to help Democratic President Joe Biden's re-election effort against ...
Sens. Richard Blumenthal and Lindsey Graham on Thursday introduced a bill to declare Russia a state sponsor of terrorism ...
Martha Stewart was cast on “The Apprentice,” in 2005, the year she was released from prison, and was hired as a host when the ...
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump on Thursday suggested that people who graduate from university in the United ...