At least four people were killed and 120 injured on Tuesday in a 4.9 magnitude earthquake that hit Iran’s northeastern city ...
They sold their precious belongings and thousands of them even went to Turkiye to fight the war along with them. After the recent devastating earthquake, Pakistan is trying its best to provide ...
Relations between Azerbaijan and Turkiye are at their peak and have no analogues in the world. Such a high level of ...
An earthquake with a magnitude of 4.3 struck Kahramanmaras, southern Türkiye on Sunday.In a statement carried by the Qatar News Agency (QNA), Türkiye's Disaster and Emergency Management Authority ...
At least four victims were killed and 120 injured in an earthquake in the Kashmar district of Razavi Khorasan province in ...
In the districts of Ekinözü and Afşin in Kahramanmaraş, southern Türkiye, farmers are turning unproductive and barren lands ...
Türkiye on Thursday reappointed over 4,000 judges and prosecutors in a nationwide reshuffle for the 2024 term to streamline ...
A 4.2 magnitude earthquake struck the Çelikhan district of Adıyaman province in southeastern Türkiye on Thursday. The ...
Türkiye struggled with high and persistent inflation. However, policies implemented in the early 2000s largely resolved this ...
The series of earthquakes of 6.3 magnitude on October 7, 11, and 15 killed over 1,500 people and injured more than 2,600 ...
Greece is still safe to travel to, according to the UK Foreign Office. Their safety and security page has the following ...