Choose squash varieties based on the season, space, and flavor profile to ensure a successful harvest! Be mindful of soil, sun, water, and planting time to maximize the growth and development of ...
This guide will help you select the best companion plants for zucchini to deter pests, attract beneficial insects, improve ...
S quash are commonly thought of as large and sprawling plants to grow, however, there are several ways in which they can be ...
While there are many pest-repelling companion plants to try in vegetable gardens, marigolds are at the top of the list for a ...
Some summer squash, zucchini and winter squash varieties can be trained to grow vertically, just like climbing peas and pole beans.
Garden:No cause for alarm with seedy maples Corn is famous as one of "the three sisters" of corn, squash and beans grown ...
They say each one has its own unique qualities, with summer varieties offering fresh ... carpaccio topped with crushed hazelnuts, squash blossoms, garden herbs, thinly shaved onions, and Sapore ...
Some squash varieties are sweeter, while others are more savory or ... Another false fact about growing squashes is that they'll take over your garden, and this might affect other plants. But while ...
I’ve had problems with the squash vine borer in my home garden, but at the Master Gardener Seed to Supper Farm, our issues are mostly with squash bugs. So, let’s talk about how we can try to ...
Today, let’s do a basic review of squash bug management so you can be prepared before they show up in your garden. Squash bugs are an annual problem for many gardeners, and it can be difficult ...