Liz Truss claimed that she had been 'thwarted in delivering' policies when she was prime minister Credit: Eddie Mulholland ...
The UK’s shortest-serving prime minister Liz Truss is continuing to try and defend her infamously brief time in office, to the point that the South West Norfolk candidate gave an interview to local ...
Ronald Temple, chief market strategist for Lazard’s asset management business, says he is pretty relaxed about the US ...
Former prime minister and South West Norfolk candidate Liz Truss has told EDP editor Richard Porritt why she is not the worst prime minister ever.
The former prime minister launched an attack on environmental activists saying they are "intimidating farmers".
Rishi Sunak has been urged to deselect Liz Truss as a Conservative election candidate over her appearance on a “far-right” ...
Liz Truss – she may be more dangerous than you think. The current holder of the ignominious record - likely never to be ...
Jess Phillips has written to the prime minister, saying Carl Benjamin, founder of the Lotus Eaters, "has despicable views ...
The opinions in's Comment section are those of the author. Rishi Sunak has been called on to deselect his ...
Rishi Sunak has been urged to deselect the former Prime Minister Liz Truss over her appearance on a podcast founded by a man ...
Britain's least successful Prime Minister ever Liz Truss is due to be interviewed today on Lotus Eaters - a platform set up ...
Britain’s ruling Conservative Party presided over a huge downward shift in the pace of improvement in living standards since ...