A new urine test could help identify high-grade prostate cancer, limiting the number of unnecessary biopsies for men who have ...
Prostate cancer screening tests lack specificity in detecting higher-grade tumors, but a new urine test could help detect ...
Early stage prostate cancer usually doesn’t have symptoms. It’s typically detected and diagnosed through regular screening tests ... the urine or semen. PSA testing and DREs can help detect ...
For a large percentage of men with prostate cancer, the tumor may be so slow-growing that doctors advise a "watch-and-wait" ...
MEN could be checked for prostate cancer with a simple saliva test after a trial found it works better than blood testing. It could save them unnecessary GP visits and embarrassing physical exams.
Almost half of men are putting off a potentially life-saving test for prostate cancer over fears of a rectal exam – despite ...
A clinical study found that an at-home test based on the DNA found in spit samples could detect cases of prostate cancer that ...
A new urine test, called MyProstateScore 2.0 ... Digital Rectal Exams Alone May Not Accurately Detect Prostate Cancer, Study Shows The Test Is Available, But More Research Is Needed Though ...