An ally of Vladimir Putin has told the United States to "tremble and shake" as he rejected ... be no reduction in the number ...
The Minuteman III missiles were not armed, meaning they did not have a warhead aboard, but each carried one reentry vehicle.
The United States and China resumed semi-official nuclear arms talks in March for the first time in five years, with ...
A tactical ballistic missile exported by China to the Middle East is capable of sinking a US cruiser patrolling the Red Sea, according to a study conducted by the People’s Liberation Army (PLA).
The weapon is the most advanced Western air defense system provided to Ukraine thus far and can shoot down Russian ballistic ...
The reentry vehicle of each missile traveled approximately 4,200 miles to the Ronald Reagan Ballistic Missile Defense Test ...
Despite its advertised range of 290km, the study suggests that the Fire Dragon 480 could potentially reach targets over 500km ...
As raging wars in Gaza and Ukraine and sharpening geopolitical tensions fuel instability and uncertainty, global spending on ...
The United States Navy has begun developing a new sea-launched nuclear missile to compete with China, despite pushback from ...
Vladimir Putin’s suggestion that Russian could supply weapons to North Korea is “incredibly concerning”, a senior US official ...
A Greek merchant ship carrying coal shipments for Russia sank after being hit by Houthi missiles in the Red Sea ...
Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Thursday that Russia was thinking about possible changes to its doctrine on the use ...