The Rock wasn’t solely to blame for this, very obviously - he was acting in accordance with WWE creative and profound ... way if he’d ended his career in WCW. Rock, in his bid to make an ...
Keith David (Narrator)Bryan Danielson (Daniel Bryan)Chris Jericho (Chris Jericho)Phil Brooks (CM Punk)Vince McMahon (Mr. McMahon)Booker Huffman (Booker T)Michael Coulthard (Michael Cole)Vince ...
The era of WCW featured them and WWE as the two main promotions that most wrestlers wanted to work for. Most names spent some time in both promotions, even in enhancement matches like Edge and Rob ...
Drastically. WWE was not booked well at all. It would be reductive to state that WWE bought WCW and was dismal for the next two decades of its existence. WWE at least recognised that they’d ...
Former WCW star Konnan has detailed the reasons for WCW's decline and eventual demise, with him pointing the blame at some of ...
This will be Sting’s second match inside a WWE ring. Having spent most of his career in either WCW or TNA Impact Wresting, “The Icon" has a career marked with incredible highs and ...
Bischoff shouldered some responsibility here when stating, “WCW had chronic bad-finish disease.” To be fair to Nash, WWE legend and wrestling technician Bret Hart also takes aim at Goldberg ...
Former WCW star Konnan has discussed the people responsible for the decline of WCW, rejecting claims that Hulk Hogan was to ...
WCW's rise and fall will be explored in the new docuseries "Who Killed WCW?" featuring interviews with key personalities from the company's history. This non-WWE perspective will shed light on the ...
Sting and Darby Allin defeated The Young Bucks to send the WWE Hall of Famer off on a happy note. It looks like Steven Borden has gotten the itch to give professional wrestling a try more regularly.
You got to play important matches from their WWE, WCW and/or ECW journey, while pulling off set in-ring tasks along the way to match the historical outcome. That was all well and good, but always ...