You probably won’t guess it, but it’s the wearing of Nazi uniforms, the display of ... SS constituted no more than 7% of the German Army in WWII but seems to make up about 85% of the ...
In 1957, the German War Graves Commission disinterred the grave, which was unmarked. During this process, the organization ...
The objects include three aircraft bombs, roughly 200 artillery shells, hand grenades and elements of small arms ammunition.
When American women were first deployed into combat zones, the U.S. refused to consider them veterans for more than 50 years.
A recent ceremony in Passaic's Armory Park was another step in an effort to gain recognition for some of World War I's lesser ...
“I remember as a kid he would tell me about WWII ... but the German medic and I had a kind of kinship in that we only wanted to help the wounded, it did not matter what uniform they wore.” ...
DRUMMOND, Okla. — Drummond Museum recently received a uniform from the Second World War from a local family. Ann Ott, 96, ...
Most were painted a uniform shade of black or grey ... did its awesome threat actually save lives? WW1: Why was the first German defeat in Africa? documentWW1: Why was the first German defeat ...
There were grave-eyed men, in clean, faded uniforms, starting out again after ... The quaint villages which escaped the German onslaught perch on the hillsides like Christmas toys and the humblest ...
Despite having more than 80 credits to her name, Atwood had never done a WWII drama and was delighted ... She even got samples of the original uniforms. Her biggest challenge, however, was ...