Former President Donald Trump struck a deep blow to Rep. Bob Good’s reelection chances on Tuesday when he endorsed challenger ...
Former President Donald Trump has endorsed Virginia State Sen. John McGuire III over Freedom Caucus Chairman Bob Good in ...
Former President Donald Trump has endorsed the Republican opponent of a Virginia congressman who chairs a group of House ...
Governor’s gloves are off after the group of Republicans authored an op-ed that made several ‘inaccurate claims’ including ...
Donald Trump offered his coveted endorsement to John McGuire on Tuesday, giving the Virginia challenger a boost in his 2024 ...
When Republicans worry about losing a primary, it’s usually because they’re perceived as not radical enough. Rep. Bob Good's ...
Former President Donald Trump has thrown his support behind the primary challenger to House Freedom Caucus Chairman Bob Good, ...
Former President Trump announced his support for Rep. Bob Good's primary opponent on Tuesday, despite the Freedom Caucus ...
WASHINGTON (AP) — Former President Donald Trump has endorsed the Republican opponent of a Virginia congressman who leads the hard-right House Freedom Caucus ... McGuire, a state senator ...