Opt for weigela varieties with gold or bright green leaves for full-sun spots, as these are more tolerant of sunlight. Prune dead branches in early spring before blooms start to form. Weigela is ...
During the month of June, there is much to be done in the garden. Here's everything you should be pruning, thinning, ...
June is the best time as it sees plant lovers waking up to new blooms every single day, but it's important to note that many ...
Spilled Wine weigela adds deep purple foliage and pink flowers ... especially helpful with a championship that starts before ...
This is the time of year Flowering Shrubs are bursting with color and transforming landscapes. AJ Petitti, President of ...
However, plants that have flowered since winter, Deutzia, Ribes (flowering currants) Weigela and winter jasmine (Jasminium ...
June is the month where warmer temperatures and long daylight hours help vigorous plant growth - but it can leave us with a ...
To deadhead your plants, pinch off below the old flowers with your fingers or snip them off with a pruning shears.
Chives are also said to add to the flavor and yields of plants nearby. Chives are a handy and flavorful kitchen herb, and because it's a perennial, a single planting can come back year after year.
In early June the world of leaf and blade and flowers explodes, and every sunset is different.” — John Steinbeck ...
Unlike in May when just one plant was recommended to prune, Monty Don has shared three types of plants in his blog that will ...
May 28, 2024 — A widely found gene in plants has been newly identified as a key transporter of a hormone that influences the size of corn. The discovery offers plant breeders a new tool to ...