The West Coast Faultline has been mapped and researchers believe it could trigger a catastrophic earthquake, with researchers ...
Scientists have warned such a powerful quake could cause shaking that lasts as long as five minutes and generate tsunami ...
The research, recently published in the prestigious journal Science Advances, produced the most detailed picture researchers ...
A preliminary 6.2 magnitude earthquake struck the southeastern Caribbean Sea late Saturday night. The quake occurred about 20 ...
Human lives are currently at stake as reports suggest that an underwater fault line in the Pacific Ocean can create a ...
A multi-university collaboration will place sensors near the epicenters of the three earthquakes to get closer data from any ...
A 6.3 magnitude earthquake struck off the coast of southern Peru on Sunday but there was no immediate threat of tsunami, ...
A study has offered us our clearest look yet at the undersea faults capable of producing Earth's biggest quakes, and warns that B.C. is in the area at the highest risk.
A groundbreaking study has revealed that a major earthquake 2,500 years ago dramatically altered the course of one of the ...
The study, for the first time, looks deep under the surface to map subterranean details of the Cascadia Subduction Zone fault ...
Such an underwater earthquake could trigger tsunamis more ... The last one occurred in 1700, and caused a tsunami which struck the west coast of North America and the coast of Japan.
An underwater fault line in the Pacific could trigger a megaquake along the US west coast, putting 10,000 lives in danger. The Cascadia Subduction Zone runs for almost 600 miles along the coasts of ...