The number of Chinese websites is shrinking and posts are being removed and censored, stoking fears about what happens when ...
EXCLUSIVE: Rumble, a popular video-sharing and cloud service platform, has revealed a number of censorship ... "Countries in every hemisphere, all of them members of the United Nations, are no ...
The Internet is and has always ... censorship of microblogs in China, new modes of online censorship, the balance of power in Internet governance, and control in the certificate authority model. These ...
"The Digital Services Act will essentially oblige Big Tech to act as a privatized censor on behalf of governments — censors ...
Municipal governments can provide this by offering broadband service themselves and implementing the net neutrality and privacy protections that are no longer required of private companies by federal ...
The State Department is facing a subpoena from the GOP for failing to turn over records on programs lawmakers say promoted ...
One of the best VPN services on the market has just launched a new initiative to empower people at risk to take back their ...
Human Rights Watch notes that some of the subjects under the Russian curriculum, such as math and sciences, have no ...
Last Saturday’s event in Ron DeSantis’s Florida with Lauren Groff and Jodi Picoult struck a blow for free expression.
[Krebs’] takeaway from the whole event is summarized in his blog post (now that he’s back online): “The Democratization of Censorship ... These are people who have no idea about downloading ...
This guide covers the best no-contract internet providers that prove you can get fast internet at reasonable prices without a ...
When you use a VPN, it encrypts, or scrambles, your data, so even if someone were to intercept it, all they'd see is a bunch ...