Iran is using a host of AI tools to find and arrest regime critics. NGOs and others worry the mullahs' other target is women ...
The unexpected death of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi in a helicopter crash should remind the world that no oppressive ...
By the time Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi boarded his window seat on a helicopter ferrying him, the foreign minister and ...
Iran's Acting Foreign Minister Ali Bagheri Kani met and held talks with Indonesia's Foreign Minister, Retno Marsudi on the ...
Houthi rebels released footage that appeared to show a new missile, the "Palestine," with a warhead painted like a ...
Diplomats say the U.N. nuclear watchdog’s board has censured Iran for failing to cooperate fully with the agency.
The death of President Ebrahim Raisi serves as a stark reminder of the pervasive instability within the Iranian system of ...
The International Atomic Energy Agency acted in the face of Iran’s refusal to allow experts to examine its stepped-up nuclear ...
Iran's U.N. Mission told Newsweek the IAEA board censure will "have a detrimental" effect on nuclear diplomacy and ...
Iran has been censured by the international body for failing to cooperate with international oversight. The United Nations‘s ...
Cyberattacks on water systems and other critical infrastructure, biological and chemical warfare, direct kinetic conflict ...
"Hezbollah does not desire such a conflict but stands prepared for any eventuality," Iran's U.N. Mission told Newsweek.