China’s expansion and Russia’s threats of using nuclear weapons in Ukraine and in space have changed a U.S. drive to reduce ...
There is still plenty of uncertainty about what the long-term health effects of these drugs will be ... how likely it is to ...
America might have to construct more nuclear weapons "to deter our adversaries" according to a stark new warning.
Russian President Vladimir Putin may look to change the nation's nuclear doctrine amid an ongoing war with Ukraine. On Friday ...
As we approach the ninth anniversary of the Iran Nuclear Deal, a military spouse writes to emphasize how important nuclear diplomacy is for military families to be safe.
A nuclear weapon in space would be a potential last ... in which they noted there could be potential effects on satellites and other aircraft. Five years later, countries concerned about the ...
D-Day was the largest amphibious invasion in history, and possibly the last due to smaller militaries, modern weapons and ...
The U.S. Air Force is buying five planes to replace the E-4B Nightwatch nuclear command post. In addition to being the ...
Kansas City musician Nate Hofer took his pedal steel guitar 30 feet down into an inter-continental ballistic missile silo to ...
If World War Three broke out, Moscow has said it would carry out 'Operation Unthinkable' which would eliminate the nuclear ...
A new cover promises to protect cars and especially Tesla's Cybertruck, from EMPs, electromagnetic pulse attacks.
Since 1964, when China detonated its first nuclear weapon, China has been satisfied with fielding ... Instead, a similarity in numbers of nuclear warheads that could achieve similar effects across a ...