The Keqiutou Site group, an archaeological cluster going back to the Neolithic Age 6,500-7,300 years ago, was one of China's ...
"Camel milk is rich in natural bioactive factors such as lysozyme, lactoferrin, lactoperoxidase and immunoglobulin. It has a higher protein content and more variety than cow's milk," professor Yang ...
Getting more Americans to live and study in China, where there are a number of great universities, is one way for Americans to understand China better and address the distrust that seemingly exists ...
"Exploring traditional Chinese culture, particularly through its philosophical thinking patterns, has deeply influenced my understanding of China," said Carvalho, adding that this literary exploration ...
Quantum information, brain-like intelligence and biomanufacturing are just a few of the 36 diverse fields of 52 original technology sources to be established with support from 40 central state-owned ...
It's precisely because he does not feel like an outsider in Beijing, which he considers home, that he is trying to introduce China as it is to the world, and promoting educational and cultural ...
Dark tea is named for its dark brown color, which results from the use of coarse aged tea leaves and the long period of pile-fermentation during processing. Different from the oxidation of oolong tea ...
The remarkable enhancement of Chinese scientific literacy is the result of efforts from various quarters including the government, academia and society. The launch of the NSTW is part of these efforts ...
Yellow tea, a lightly fermented variety, is one of the six major teas in China. Compared to other teas, its production accounts for a small proportion of the total tea output. Nevertheless, yellow tea ...
With the rapid development of intelligent connected new energy vehicles (NEVs), automobiles are gradually developing from transportation tools into mobile intelligent terminals. As an emerging ...
As we think about development, the only way we can develop in a sustainable way is by keeping the ecology in mind. Thanks to green development policies, we will be able to protect more habitats and ...