Was there an animal in there? I ran outside, looked up at my roof — and saw a woodpecker drilling away at my metal chimney ...
‘Stainless’ steel stains less — but that doesn’t mean the risk is zero. Here’s how to clean appliances, utensils, sinks and cookware. Q: I have lots of stainless steel in my ...
Once you know how to clean stainless steel, those streaks, smudges and stains will be ancient history Stainless steel is one of the most popular finishes for everything from appliances and sinks ...
adding a spring-loaded or lock-top chimney cap eliminates blustering downdrafts. An air-tight, adjustable cover helps improve fireplace efficiency while saving you money that would otherwise go up in ...
Was there an animal in there? I ran outside, looked up at my roof — and saw a woodpecker drilling away at my metal chimney ...
Was there an animal in there? I ran outside, looked up at my roof — and saw a woodpecker drilling away at my metal chimney cap. I've seen and heard plenty of woodpeckers hammer on trees.
Chimney caps, vent pipes, gutters': Why some woodpeckers are major metal heads A few weeks ago, at about 6:45 in the morning, I was at home, waiting to talk live on the air with Morning Edition ...