An earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 3.5 struck near South Pasadena and Alhambra at 9:56 a.m. on Sunday, according ...
Earthquakes are the most dramatic and noteworthy results of tectonic plate movement. They are often destructive and deadly, or at the very least physically felt—they're literally groundbreaking ...
Why the sudden increase in earthquakes across the region? A USGS scientist explains why there's been a recent uptick in ...
In the celebrated earthquake of Lima and CalMa(Oct. 28, 1746), a noise resembling a subterranean thunderclap was heard a quarter of an hour later at Truxillo, but unaccompanied by movement.
The USGS has raised the volcano alert level for Kīlauea from an advisory to a watch. Concerns were raised after scientists ...
Nearly 140 years ago, a massive earthquake struck Charleston. It left enduring weak spots across the region which could be ...
Labour is on course for the biggest election victory in history, a Yougov MRP poll has found. This surpasses Tony Blair's ...
Washington state’s coastline is considered a tsunami hazard zone. Here’s your tsunami safety guide to help you prepare before ...
When scientists look for an earthquake's cause, their search often starts underground. As centuries of seismic studies have made clear, it's the collision of tectonic plates and the movement of ...
Statistically, 238 earthquakes with magnitudes smaller than 2 ... activity in the region and its formation is related to the ...
Whakatāne needs to prepare for a megathrust earthquake and resulting tsunami similar in size and strength to the 2011 Japan ...
This earthquake, which struck the Kanto region ... be integrated with real-time data from sensors that monitor parameters such as moisture and ground movement. This allows city planners and engineers ...