California Governor Gavin Newsom joined other political leaders and LGBTQ+ advocates in Friday to announce the "Freedom to ...
Warning that the fight for LGBTQ+ rights isn't over, Gov. Gavin Newsom urges voters to approve a ballot measure protecting ...
The San Francisco Bay — framed by tall gold candelabras, olive-green drapes, and plush velvet armchairs — sparkled in the ...
Viral videos and their outraging, perception-changing, galvanizing effects may have propelled both outraged skepticism of ...
The California Occupational Safety and Health Standards Board is about to pass long-awaited rules to protect workers from ...
California's U.S. House Republicans are urging Gov. Newsom and state Dems to halt "cynical" efforts at legislative end-runs ...
“I don’t want to cede this space to other states or other countries,” Newsom said during a daylong AI event in San Francisco.
The “Homelessness, Drug Addiction and Theft Reduction Act” would restore penalties for serial thieves and treatment ...
It’s surreal in a lot of ways to see how dramatically things have shifted in the last 16 years.” Now it is the left that sees ...
Politicians risk the wrath of voters if they can’t make headway on an issue that has huge financial ramifications for most households.
Newsom has released $3.3 billion in funding to help tackle California's pervasive homelessness and mental health problems.
The Liberty Justice Center, a conservative legal group known in California for defending school districts facing legal action over their parental notification policies, has stepped up to take on Uncle ...