A shrine. A banquet hall. Graffiti. The buried city of Pompeii is revealing the deepest secrets of ancient Roman life as ...
At Pompeii, numerous artifacts and structures have been found, offering an intriguing glimpse of another time. After the ...
The story of the eruption of Mount Vesuvius is no longer one of annihilation; it also includes the people who managed to ...
The biggest archaeological dig in years in the ancient Italian city of Pompeii is turning up clues about how people lived ...
The new discoveries add to those earlier findings; though Pompeii was buried 1,945 years ago, each new discovery reveals more ...
Pompeii—now an archaeological site—was erased from maps in 79, when a violent eruption of Mount Vesuvius buried the city in ...
For hundreds of years, Pompeii remained buried under its volcanic blanket. It was rediscovered in the late 16th century, and ...
As the ash and rock fell to Earth, it buried the ancient cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum. According to most modern accounts, the story pretty much ends there: Both cities were wiped out ...
Buried by a volcanic eruption 1400 years ago, well-preserved remains of the Maya village have earned a provocative nickname: ...
Buried and unseen for nearly 2,000 years, a sacred room has been unearthed at Pompeii with painted blue walls, a rare and expensive color in the Roman city. Describing it as a “very unusual ...