Pompeii is often viewed as a city eternally locked in its final moments, but recent archaeological findings reveal how its ...
A shrine. A banquet hall. Graffiti. The buried city of Pompeii is revealing the deepest secrets of ancient Roman life as ...
2,000-year-old DNA is revealing more about the people who died during the fateful eruption of Mount Vesuvius. The superheated ...
ARCHAEOLOGISTS believe they have discovered the “lost” survivors of Pompeii who made it through the horror 18-hour volcanic ...
During the excavation of a particular context, such as a block of the ancient city of Pompeii still buried by the eruption of 79 AD ... reconstruct presences from the voids found in solidified ...
Over the years, few genres have brought moviegoers to theaters and packed auditoriums quite like the disaster film. For ...
Buried by a volcanic eruption 1400 years ago, well-preserved remains of the Maya village have earned a provocative nickname: ...
A mysterious 'Blue Room' was found in the ruins of Pompeii, featuring rare frescoes and artifacts that reveal insights into ...
Amid the unearthed sculptures and grand artwork that display the affluence of the once-grand city of Pompeii before its ...
There's a new title sequence in 'House of the Dragon' Season 2. Here's the Easter eggs and other clues about what's ahead.
ARCHAEOLOGISTS believe they have discovered the "lost" survivors of Pompeii who made it through the horror 18-hour volcanic eruption 2,000 years ago. It's often been depicted that there were no ...
In popular culture, the eruption is usually depicted as an apocalyptic event with no survivors: In episodes of the TV series Doctor Who and Loki, everyone in Pompeii and Herculaneum dies.