Where Jim Wahlberg Found Jesus: Makes Film on the Miracle of the Eucharist – Jacqueline Burkepile at ChurchPOP ...
Appointment to Lithuania’s capital city of Vilnius is in the works, according to an Italian Catholic news outlet.
“It is with regret that I make known that Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI has passed away at 9:34 a.m. at the Mater Ecclesiae Monastery in the Vatican,” reads the official Vatican note, in six language ...
Pope Benedict XVI gives his final public address February ... He retired to the Mater Ecclesiae monastery, with the title of Pope Emeritus. From the BBC Archives. This BBC News report was ...
Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI has died aged 95, Vatican News has announced. The pope died at 12:30 pm Kenyan time in his residence at the Vatican's Mater Ecclesiae Monastery. A statement from Vatican ...
But when it comes to gay people joining the priesthood, Francis has continued to back the Vatican’s official policy, approved by his predecessor Pope Benedict XVI in 2005, that “the Church ...
Both Pope Francis and his predecessor, Pope Benedict XVI, have publicly condemned Holocaust ... was arrested on suspicion of robbing a monastery in the city's Ein Kerem neighborhood.
Just two weeks ago, the pope was caught using the anti-gay slur “Frociaggine” (a Roman Italian word meaning “f—ggotness.”) ...
Seventeen years ago today, Pope Benedict XVI asked that all Catholics in the world observe May 24, traditionally observed as the liturgical memorial of Our Lady, Help of Christians, as a special ...
The church is not ready. Francis has reopened the windows that were closed by John Paul and Pope Benedict XVI, but the church is still an institution that will not change until there is global ...