Pope Francis apologized Tuesday after he was quoted using a vulgar term about gays to reaffirm the Catholic Church's ban on gay priests. Vatican spokesman Matteo Bruni issued a statement ...
La Repubblica and Corriere della Sera, Italy's largest circulation dailies, both quoted the pope as saying seminaries, or ...
While the Pope’s alleged homophobic remarks were made behind closed doors, they soon leaked to the media, with Italian ...
When I was little and they’d ask me what I wanted to be when I grew up, I seriously responded: ‘The pope.’ Everybody laughed, ...
This film, based on a true story about the kidnapping of a Jewish child in 19th-century Italy, underscores the devastating consequences of family separation.
Pope Francis used an offensive slur for gay men in a closed-door discussion with Italian bishops last week, two sources who were in the room told NBC News. The pontiff's use of the derogatory term ...
"We want to protect young people who are attending" the festival, said Matthias Katsch, co-founder of Ending Clergy Abuse ...
Pope Francis has apologized for using an anti-gay slur during a meeting with bishops. The 87-year-old pontiff reportedly made the homophobic remark in a closed-door meeting last week as he told ...
The Vatican announced that Pope Francis has cleared the second miracle of Carlo Acutis, paving the way for the teenager who died in 2006 to be the first millennial saint. The teenager was ...
Pope Francis allegedly told Italian bishops to not permit gay men to train for the priesthood, with two Italian newspapers claiming that the 87-year-old pontiff made a homophobic slur in a closed ...
Dear Dr. E: Recently, Pope Francis did an interview with 60 Minutes where he said, “We are all fundamentally good. Yes, there are some rogues and sinners, but the heart itself is good.” ...