Chris Thompson told more than a dozen venture capitalists he didn’t want their funding to help expand his startup, which ...
For his dedication to battling substance abuse disorder, Dr. Victor Archambeau was recognized by Gov. Henry McMaster and S.C.
He’s also the stepfather of a man who struggled for decades with addiction and has been in recovery for three years. “As long ...
Treating addiction is hard. But as someone who’s in recovery and now helps mothers on their own recovery journey, one thing is very simple: We need more investment in the solutions that work. Every ...
Kim Rutledge's journey from addiction to recovery is a testament to perseverance. With Addiction Recovery Care, she found the ...
Help is available for those seeking to recover from opioid addiction from a variety of health care and community support ...
“Recovery Cafés are healing recovery communities committed to serving people who have experienced trauma and the results of ...
Tens of millions of dollars for substance abuse treatment in the Islands is what dozens of recently-awarded State contracts ...
So many families who have had loved ones battle addiction understand the feeling of pride seeing someone you love come out ...
Oregon state officials will spend slightly more than $13 million on community centers and housing for rural Oregonians ...
All UC campuses should have comprehensive, fully funded and staffed programs to help people with the unique needs of their ...
A plan to turn one of Brown County's largest residential homes into a substance abuse recovery center has been withdrawn.